HSE and Quality Management Policies play an integral part to how HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC executes its services. We place highest importance on health, safety and environmental care and protection, securing the company's strong commitment towards a safe working environment and sustainable progress and development.
HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC corporate management is committed to providing a safe and healthy place of work throughout all its offices, facilities and work sites and to make every effort towards eliminating or minimizing any environmentally adverse effects of its operations.
HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC will, in all of its operations and at all locations where work is being undertaken under its control, promote the highest standards in health, safety and environmental preservation and protection by establishing and maintaining an HSE Management System that will include such elements as targets and standards of HSE performance, HSE education programs and motivational incentives and assessments and accountability for achievements of those targets and standards.
To meet these commitments, HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC is carrying out its operation by the following principles:
- Provide plants that meet the highest standards for safety and operation and place the minimum burden in the environment
- Place the highest priority on the health and safety of personnel and on the preservation of the protection of environment.
- Plan and perform work in accordance with the HSE Management System
- Hold employees, including those of vendors and subcontractors responsible for their own HSE and that of their colleagues.
- Ensurethat personnel is trained in HSE
- Review, monitor and measure HSE performance for continual improvement
- Provide full cooperation to clients, statutory authorities and local communities. HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC HSE Policies are posted at all locations nder its control and all these engaged in the work for HOELSCHER Middle East Water & Infrastructure LLC.